Category: Learning

Revisit the keynote for the 2021 ShapingEDU Winter Games, a story of uncertainty, disruption, and resilience. See how we define learning futures, tackle the challenge of designing educational systems, explore strategic foresight tools, and build an ecosystem of resilience into our IgnitED Labs.

Early this semester faculty member Kelly Davis sent me a message about 3D-printed document cameras and asked who might be able to provide these. IgnitED Lab staff members started planning how our labs could create these.

The network of IgnitED Labs at Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation has had three locations in full operation since the fall of 2019. The development of the labs always included the vision of extending the experiences to online visitors.

When the idea of Sun Devil Learning Labs (SDLL) first emerged within Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation in March, it was in response to a sudden and unexpected challenge coming from COVID-19 and the statewide closing of K-12 schools. The idea of SDLL is an online educational platform for MLFC student teachers, known as Teacher Candidates, to continue to teach their assigned grade levels as required by their degree program while all K-12 schools are closed.

On February 25th, sixteen Fulbright Fellows attending ASU for the Spring 2020 semester visited the IgnitED Labs in Tempe for a tour. Fellows from Bangladesh, Brazil, Finland, Greece, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Senegal, Singapore, and Uganda walked through three different demonstrations of our most popular emerging technologies.

During the 2019 Family Weekend, staff members from all locations of the IgnitED Labs collaborated to lead a variety of activities in Tempe’s Farmer Education Building.

Nearly 500 high school students who plan to enter the education profession attended the Arizona Educators Rising Conference. A team from the IgnitED Labs showcased educational technologies and provided opportunities for these future educators to explore and learn with virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and programming.

Although achieving mindfulness and wellness through technological applications may sound contrary, people are looking to their devices as resources to help them deal with the stresses and anxieties they face.