Category: Creativity

A screenshot

After wrapping the first iteration of Sun Devil Learning Labs, some of my IgnitED Labs peers and I were tasked with helping facilitate an event for Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation Lead Teacher Week Workshop.

Jodie Donner helps a student at the IgnitED Lab west

The latest all-college meeting for MLFC at the end of last month was a chance for virtual connection, review, and celebration. The event brought closure for the unique semester we’ve had and some unexpected recognition for the IgnitED Labs and me.

Newly printed face shield frames on the Glowforge

The Chief Operating Officer of the Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation, and the Emergency Management Specialist (EMS) of the Gallup Indian Medical Center reached out to the IndigeDesign Collab in Phoenix for more face shields and the Ignited Labs responded to this call within hours, opening the lab to allow staff to 3D print face shields for the Navajo Nation.

3 podcasters with headphones on

First year MLFC students brought their podcast “Chaotic Energy” to Innovation Day on November 1