
IgnitED Labs Extension

The IgnitED Labs is engaged in a broad range of work centered in humanizing technology through learning. Extending the labs’ influence through internal and external initiatives allows us to connect with a variety of collaborators and share our experiences with others who are passionate about educational technologies, including current practical integrations, as well as future effects and considerations of emerging technologies. The IgnitED Labs is collaboratively involved in a broad portfolio of work including grants, innovative projects, and prototypes. If you are interested in a potential collaboration, we encourage you to contact us to start a conversation.


Principled Innovation

The Principled Innovation (PI) core value of the college is reflected in the IgnitED Labs work of approaching technology through a humanistic lens. Our work around new and emerging technologies considers the broader impact of technology in education and society. Our labs take an agnostic approach to technology – asking questions and seeking to better understand the consequences of new technological innovations or disruptions. We work to gain a deeper understanding of the unintended consequences, challenges, and issues that may not be represented in the initial application or diffusion of the technology. Through the PI Framework we challenge ourselves and our communities to think beyond the surface level use or benefit of any new technology and ask reflective questions to help think through their potential and offer strategies on how to mitigate identified issues as they create, explore, and consume emerging technology.

Public Affairs Sector of US Embassy Rabat and MLFC

College members have been working with partners in Morocco in support of their initiatives related to educational reform. Due to travel restrictions, much of the learning exchange has been occurring through webinars. The IgnitED Labs team has developed protocols for facilitating these international webinars with language interpretation, recordings, and certificate recognition for the participants, which have numbered over 1,000 and included representatives from 20 countries.

Sun Devil Learning Labs

Starting March of 2020, our team has been collaborating with the Office of Professional Experiences to find and implement solutions resulting from school closures related to COVID. This work included managing Zoom and YouTube live streaming for Sun Devil Learning Labs for teacher candidates teaching lessons to students viewing from all over the country. We also edited and posted recorded teaching sessions and learning guides for 517 separate lessons during the next iteration of Sun Devil Learning Labs. Fall 2021 called for us to edit and upload videos from teacher candidates teaching in virtual environments.

Fulbright International Scholars

For the past two years, educators who have been part of the Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program for International Teachers have spent time in the Tempe lab location as part of their experiences at ASU. We have been proud to collaborate with representatives from the Center for Advanced Studies in Global Education, specifically Dr. Leanna Archambault, in support of providing these educators learning sessions about emerging technologies and their integration into educational experiences.


Leahy, S. M., Mishra, P., & Donner, J. (2021, January). Learning futures: Designing the horizon. Keynote address presented at ShapingEDU Winter Games 2021conference, Tempe, AZ, USA.

Donner, J. & Leahy, S. (2020, November 29-December 5). Introducing future educators to emerging technologies through inquiry [Conference presentation]. ISTE20 Live Conference and Expo, Virtual Conference, United States.

Leahy, S. & Donner, J. (2020). IgnitED Labs: Looking to the past to prepare for the futures of learning. In D. Schmidt-Crawford (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 1777-1781). Online: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved November 4, 2020 from

Donner, J. & Leahy, S. (2020). Developing innovative educators: Alignment of a technology literacy course and an emerging technologies lab. In D. Schmidt-Crawford (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 1722-1725). Online: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Leahy, S. & Mishra, P. (2018). Designing the new generation of computer labs for a college of education. In Proceedings of E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (1129-1132). Las Vegas, NV, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).


Arizona Academic Decathlon

Understanding Arizona Academic Decathlon was facing challenges hosting its annual regional and state events due to the pandemic, IgnitED Labs connected with the organization as a sponsor to facilitate speech and interview events through Zoom. Ignited Labs leveraged technology to make these events accessible to students, coaches, and judges and ensure hundreds of Arizona high school students have been able to compete and prepare for the national finals.